
Saturday, March 30, 2013


The doctor rounded today and was amazed at the blood pressure readings I had thrown out today. He ordered a IV push of a cardiac med and then when he got here made a standing order for an IV push and a consult with my General Practitioner. Ah, another person on the case.

The upside of today was he didn't order a transfusion. The Epogen (an injection that spurs the long bone to build red blood cells) must have bumped my H&H up enough for him to not be concerned. 

Fidel made an appearance this morning. April and her family were here for a while but I really am OK with them just calling. I can't stay awake for long.

The window sill is lined with pretty pungent plants. I was told the names  and NO, I can't remember one of them. April spent the evening coloring Easter eggs with Carrie. I phoned and told her she didn't need to make a trip here; I was going to sleep again.

The doctor was going to order a clear liquid diet today then changed his mind and left me on ice chips. He did order the Foley catheter removed. I told the nurse we could leave it until tomorrow.  IV Fluids were still running and I didn't want to drag the pump around the room tonight.

That pretty much wraps up my activities today. Exciting wasn't it? At least it's recorded. Happy Easter; enjoy the ham.

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