
Monday, March 15, 2010

Two In One

The weather is outstanding! Sunshine in every corner and the sounds of lawnmowers have already started humming in the neighborhood. Spring flowers and spring weeds are spreading across the landscape. Weed and Feed is supposed to kill the weeds and spur the growth of grass. Does that mean I mow more often?

There is not much going on right now other then waiting for my surgery date. I continue to try to prepare as much as possible by organizing and anticipating needs although I know all this preparation may not help much. Although it's painful with those first steps, I am moving more then I have for the past year. I know that's because soon I will be restricted. We went to a flea market on Sunday and wandered around in the crowds and I wondered at all the imported for fifty cents and sold for a dollar stuff that I didn't need nor did I purchase. I'm trying to lighten the load not add to it.

Today I'm listening to the news; headlining is the newest Catholic Church scandal. I'm amazed as I listen and at the same time know that the Catholic churches are filling with the faithful and their donations. What does it take to enlighten the masses? Faithful to the unfaithful. Amazing.

Juarez, Mexico with the videos showing the automobiles riddled with bullets and the reports of Americans killed in alledged drug activities? Maybe south of the border won't be on my vacation list. We used to visit Juarez when we lived in Arizona. A typical border town with tourists drinking cheap beer and buying cheaper souvenirs but it's been a few years since I was there.
Carrie spent the night and most of today with us. She was excited to be back home and when she stays I have to sleep with her. She is all over the place in that bed and sometimes I would wake to have her foot stuck in my face or get a quick jab with that same foot to my stomach. She talks in her sleep and was having quite a conversation with herself during the night. I didn't get much sleep, small wonder huh?
I'm outta here to go sit outside for a while and enjoy this weather before it becomes hotterNhell and filled with nasty humidity.

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