
Friday, March 19, 2010


First of all and most important, Happy Birthday April and I'm so sorry this was scheduled to be done on your day. I promise to make it up to you soon. We will do something special as soon as I can be up and around. Oh, maybe there won't be dancing and drinking but a nice lunch and a movie will be manageable and enjoyable.
0500 hrs here and I'm yawning myself awake. No coffee and no breakfast and because I'm not supposed to eat or drink anything this morning, that is what I'm obsessing about. I tagged the coffee pot and the fridge with a big sign that read
"NPO after midnight". I once made it to the hospital for surgery and made myself really comfy in the waiting area, spied a carafe of coffee on a table in the corner and helped myself. Only after drinking a whole cup did I remember I had just voided my surgery and had to reschedule. I'm not looking forward to this procedure but I sure don't want to postpone it any longer. I'm resigned to it now. I'm ready.
I don't have to be at the surgery center till o800 hrs so I am going to lay on the sofa and watch the TV and hope to fall asleep for a while.
See ya on the flip side of this. That will be me with the dressing on my right foot, crutches and a smile on my face. Well, maybe not the smile for a few days. We shall see.
Thank you one and all for your notes, emails and phone calls with well wishes. I sincerely appreciate every one of them.

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