
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grateful 18

I thought I would just sit myself down right here this morning and try counting all my blessings. Isn't that what one should do when you feel as though nothing is going in the right direction for you? I have no direction; I do have an area here on the sofa where I'm supposed to lounge with my foot 3 pillows high stretched alongside me. This is my life for a while. Let me get back to counting my blessings shall we? This is what the doctor suggests/insists on me doing till next Wednesday when he and my foot visit once again. It's the swelling that concerns him but how could it not be swollen 5 days post op?
About those blessings? I suppose the first one I should note is having the means to actually have this procedure done; having it be the right procedure for healing the problem and for having a good surgeon to take care of this.
I don't know how often I can stop in here and type something about being able to see the TV over the top of my foot. It might get boring, you think?
It's a countdown once again and tomorrow will be week 1 of 8 weeks that I'm supposed to be off this foot with it elevated above heart level. Before I start spewing cuss words, let me end this.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard it said that doctors and nurses make the worst patients.

    Any truth to that?

    Excluding you, of course, from any confirmation that might be forthcoming.


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