
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sultry Sunday

This day started out humid and warm and within minutes a breeze sprung up and the temperatures started to drop. Soon the breeze was replaced by a strong wind that moved the tree limbs and caused leaves to sprinkle over the lawn. A few hours later the sun disappeared and was replaced by clouds moving swiftly across the sky and then the rain started. It has been raining on and off the remainder of the day; a perfect day for a little girl to play in the puddles while fully dressed.

I've drawn a nice warm tub of water full of perfumed bubbles; soon Carrie will be bathed and redressed in warm pajamas but I have to wait until she has finished her play and becomes uncomfortable in those wet clothes.

This has been a Sunday of web surfing and watching TV while ensconced on the sofa and damn if I didn't miss my nap though I was in perfect position for one. I have to crawl off the sofa when Carrie comes in the house with a request or a need. No nap. I'll survive.

I've also been stretching and weighting the knee again today and the discomfort in my ankle has eased up. I'm beginning to think this might be related to the muscle stretching I'm once again doing for my knee. Maybe this isn't a Achilles inflammation. Maybe this does relate to the TKR. Time will tell. I'll continue with the exercises and monitor the results.

It's time for me to close the lid on this laptop and corral the little one into the tub. It's getting late and getting cooler outside.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Charlotte,
    Reading your post I felt I was there. The whole atmosphere of your house.
    Have a nice time!


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