
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On Track and Creepin Along

The husband cooked last night. I did the dishes. Tonight is my turn. We really don't take turns at this. It's usually based on what someone wants to eat and sometimes it's "I'm gonna go get something; you want anything" and nobody cooks on those nights.

I've had some cravings lately. The enchiladas and beans we had a couple of nights ago were awesome. The tacos the husband made a few night before that were the same.

I have a turkey breast thawing in the sink. I want a full Thanksgiving dinner but on a smaller scale. There won't be huge aluminum pans filled with sides. I'm not cooking for the masses this time. 

 We must have dressing and some mashed potatoes, corn and hot rolls and cranberry sauce. Leftovers will be shipped to the daughters house.

Usually cooking is not something I race to the kitchen to do but I've missed doing it for the past months and this is my path back to a normal life.

Right now it's time to get dressed and to  Carrie's house then to the store. I have a dental appointment scheduled; one that I have cancelled numerous times because of all that has been going on around here. It's for a cleaning and hopefully nothing else needs attention there.

This is my post for Wednesday...I'm gone.

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