
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Old Tyme, My Time

On a tree lined backstreet away from the main drag and all the chain restaurants is an old building with windows that are painted shut, old wooden floors that couldn't by the largest imagination be considered level and a window air conditioning unit that fights a losing battle to keep this uninsulated building comfortable and just below the sweat level for the diners.
A large hospital sits across the street and the University is close by. The University students crowd in along with hospital personnel to pick up a PoBoy. To Go orders are carried out in huge paper sacks picked up by one employee that has volunteered to go for the food from their job.
Although it's shabby, warm and out of the way, this is my favorite place to go for a PoBoy. My favorite sandwich is the Oyster PoBoy. This place doesn't skimp on the fixins' that go on these sandwiches. Their specialty sandwiches weighs more then a pound and is served on a fresh French bread baked by the local French bakeries here. We had this sandwich last night and only ordered one and shared it along with the slab fries that come thick, fresh and hot and served in a bowl. The sandwich had gravy dribbled over the 4 kinds of meat and the two different cheeses between those slices of bread and it was awesome. This place offers the best food and an atmosphere that is typical Cajun country.
The walls of this building are cedar wood and covered with pictures and we are talking of the snapshot variety, unframed and unadorned. Sales posters, old menus and hand made artwork donated by children covers most of the wall space. Occasionally an area will have an awards certificate; one of the many awards for best food garnered by this little sandwich shop.
If you come to visit, chances are this is one of the places we will escort you to for your chance to enjoy the best PoBoy in town.
Last night I was a happy diner. I dined at Old Tyme!

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