
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hobble No More

Carrie came to visit. She was not happy with our long vacation. When I talked to her on the phone while gone, she would end up in tears and begging us to come home. In her short little life of 3 years old, she has not spent more then 2 days without seeing us and she expects that schedule to continue.

Hubby will leave again soon (think weekend) for another job. I don't think I care to go on this one. It's in Monroe, Louisiana and I didn't leave anything in Monroe. My last stay in Monroe was at a Holiday Inn and I think it was beneath the train tracks. It was winter, cold and damp and the weatherstripping around the exterior door was gone. Daylight could be seen around all four sides of that damn door and the gusts of freezing air that roared through left a jet air trail . Ok, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration but I could not get that room warm so I stayed huddled in a blanket with towels stuffed around that door to block some of the air flow. It just left a bad mental picture of Monroe for me.

I'll stay here and get some things done and catch the next trip he makes but that also depends on just where he goes.

I got up this morning, stood and let my leg extend then recruited the muscles to get it to full extension and it worked! It's so much less painful to walk without a limp. I don't limp now and I'll be walking more. I still awake with the aching muscles in my thigh and calf but soon it disappears. I'm okay with this. Just as recent as this trip to Colorado, I couldn't get my leg to full extension without putting weights on it. When walking from the truck across the parking lot to the cafe, I was slow to get anywhere. I limped and my pace was miserably slow. With full extension, this means I can move faster and pain free.

Summertime and fresh veggies. Now, that's summer! My neighbor bought me some fresh tomatoes from her dad's garden and some yellow crook neck squash. I really like tomatoes and these squash so I was appreciative of this gift. Squash and scrambled eggs with sliced tomatoes is the BEST breakfast and also it's healthy and in line with my diet. Yeah!
I have to go now. It's time to plate up my breakfast!

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