
Saturday, May 7, 2011

And I Paid for This?

Years ago we went to the Jazz Festival. Today we went again. I know why it was years ago that we went to the last one and haven't been back until today.

 The flags flying was to mark the area so friends could find each other when they arrived. This is one of thirteen stages sprinkled around the racetrack and these people were viewing one stage..the Acura stage where we stayed all day.
We caught a cab to the fairgrounds. Our driver was an Egyptian and of course the conversation with him was most interesting but that's a story for another time. Two blocks from the racetrack, we bailed from the taxi and with our collapsible canvas chairs slung over our shoulders, we started hoofing it the remaining two blocks to the festival. I steped aside and waited while the husband walked to the ticket booth to buy our tickets.

We made our way to the stage where we would spend the next 4 hours. An hour later I remembered why it had been such a long time since I did this again. Not a tree or a bush in sight that would shed some shade. All around us everyone sat in the bright sunshine, sunscreen being sprayed or massaged into their skin while wearing  sunglasses and hats and sweat. I know I've mentioned my aversion to sweat? If I'm sweating, I'm hot and hot I do NOT like to be.

Is sunblock really effective? I applied that stuff before the sweat, during the sweat and after the sweat and I'm as bright red as a tasty lobster. Again...does sunblock really protect?

1600 hrs and I'm ready to vacate the premises and we did. I stumbled to the exit, walked 2 blocks and we caught another cab back to Dauphine and Bienville. While the husband paid the cabbie, I dragged myself into the hotel and to the first chair I could find. Blessed a/c. The lobby felt like I was on the inside of a refrigerator after just spending hours in a field of heat.
Eventually we made it to the room where I shed my wet clothing and cranked up the water for a shower. Cool water flowed over my toasted body which required some gentle application of the wash cloth.

The husband wanted to go shopping on Decatur for some music CD's so I waved to him as I rolled over on the bed and shut my eyes. Me? Walk? I think not! I'll just take a cool quiet break before dinner. The night walk will be another story and one with more pictures.
I'm done for now.

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