
Thursday, November 26, 2009

This is Not Funny

Here it is. Thanksgiving Day and I've again been in the kitchen all morning. Let me share this with you. For 11 months out of the year, I don't approach that stove. It waits for the husband to give it attention. He and the stove have always had a better relationship then I. Thanksgiving is one of the days I spend hours in the kitchen. Well, the day before and the day "of". The other day is Christmas and then I'm pretty much finished up for the year.

The phone rings. The husband is called out. Called out 900 miles away. They want him to go to Oklahoma because the fellow that was supposed to take that job called in sick. I was not a happy chef. Bird flu. I'm sure that fellow has bird flu and as soon as this bird holiday is over, he will be ready to go on this job. My husband is a consultant. He is not on any one's payroll and he could decline this assignment but he won't. He never turns down a job. He says in this economy, we don't know how long there will even be work for anyone so he had better make it (money) while he can. He called the rig in Oklahoma where an old friend of ours from Wyoming is the "company man". He told husband to hang out at home today and he would give him a call tomorrow. He said he would hate for him to get called out and they wouldn't be at core point yet which would leave him sitting around waiting.
Bad enough he has to take this other fellows assignment, but I told husband maybe that other fellow will feel well enough by tomorrow to go on that job. Husband said "no, I've already accepted it and it will be mine no matter what happens now".
You want to hear the worst part of this whole story? We have a friend in New Orleans; the one that owns the condo on Bourbon Street, the sweet end of Bourbon, and he has tickets for us to the Saints/Patriots game on Monday and we could stay in the condo.
Please, can I scream now?

You can find me back in the kitchen getting the remainder of dinner ready. We are serving at 3PM and if you're not engaged in anything, stop by. We have plenty!

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