
Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Tribute to Wanda

Thank you for sitting at the bedside. Guard duty was your job and you did a wonderful job of observing and monitoring and getting what Muesetta needed.

Wanda used to be a sister in law and when that didn't work out she remained a friend of the family. I was too far away to be with Muesetta for this surgery. I should have driven in but I thought she would be alright. I was wrong.

When I realized that Muesetta was in St. Joseph's Hospital and was with some nurses that were ignoring her pain, I called and asked Wanda to go to the hospital. Wanda didn't flinch. She packed her stuff and went. She spent hours without sleep to stay awake to make sure the nurses were called when Muesetta needed pain relief. She endured the snide snotty remarks from these same nurses without a word of protest. She charted their behavior in the notebook she carried with her. She charted what was done and more importantly what was not done at times.

Eventually our complaints about these nurses reached the right places and we were assured they would be counseled. They also wouldn't be allowed back in her room.

Tired and exhausted she finally left the hospital when she knew Muesetta was out of pain and safe and able to fend for herself. She has went beyond the call of a friend; she has acted as a family member would; as if Muesetta was her own sister and for this I owe her a big thanks. I'm indebted to her for all the time she spent at the bedside; for all the lost hours of sleep and for all the abuse she endured by the two nurses that were so rude to her every time they came into the room.

Not all the nurses behaved this way but it only takes one to make a hospital stay a horror story. Thank you Wanda. Muesetta won't remember all the hours you stood watch over her. Maybe she will read this blog later and know how much she owes you!

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