
Friday, October 3, 2014

AC, a necessity and other Miscellaneous Infomation

"What's that?" I inquire while raising my voice to be heard from the bedroom to the living room.
"Hot? No, I don't feel hot."

The husband is standing over the thermostat, having advanced into the hallway to peer at the numbers displayed.

"It's 77 degrees in here." he informs me. "I think there is something wrong with the a/c unit."

Heat? Hot? We are going to be hot in here soon? That just won't do. I hate to sweat. Dragging myself from my comfy television watching spot on my bed, I meet the husband in the hallway to watch as the thermostat's numbers rise to 78 and then 79 degrees.

"We'll call the repairman tomorrow." the husband informs me.

"Give me the number. I'm calling him today." was my reply. Though it's Sunday, there is a repairman on call  24/7 and I placed that call.

End results, he showed up and had to order a part which he would do on Monday. A rain storm had passed over and saturated us with a heavy shower. That same shower dropped water over this house which lowered the temperatures internally to 83 degrees. We were comfortable with the ceiling fans whirling and a box fan sent here from my daughter's house.

Segue to Monday morning. Promptly at 0800 hrs. my phone rings. The repairman is on his way. We have AC once again.
And that was weeks ago. This post went into "draft" and stayed there until this evening.
I'm very lax in blogging lately.
To catch up a little....this follows:

An appointment at the clinic for blood work was scheduled for Thursday (yesterday). Next Thursday, a follow up appointment with the P.A. after results of the blood test are submitted to her. I expect to be followed closely for the next few years. I'm on maintaince  drugs now as the chemo has least for a while.
My hair has grown back and I'm in dire need of a haircut. I plan on doing that in November. It will have been a year that I have been off the chemo that took my hair so it has been growing for a full year by the time November rolls around. I'll get it cut then to mark the anniversary of "hair".

September sped by. Nothing spectacular to report. No trips or anything dramatic has occurred and for this I'm thankful. We are now moving through October. This Wednesday Carrie will be 9 yrs. old. A family celebration with gifts is planned; her big birthday party will be on October 25th. It will be a Halloween themed party complete with ghosts, goblins and ugly spiders hanging from strings. I might have to be out of town for this one as I'm terribly phobic about spiders...even fake ones.

I took Carrie to see her first theatre movie when she was three years old. I was a bit nervous about this as I didn't know if she would be engrossed enough in the movie to sit still through the whole thing. She did great. Her attention was glued to the big screen watching the Disney featured movie. This past week we decided to go to a movie. It was a bright hot Sunday so sitting in a cool theatre was something I was agreeable to.
This was a spur of the moment decision as much of my life has been dictated by spur of the moment decisions. We didn't check the movie times. We dropped the top on the roadster, donned our sunglasses and hit the road.
We were late for the cartoon feature by about 1/2 hr. Gazing up at the marquee, I spotted a movie that was starting in 5 minutes and that is how Carrie got to see her second R rated movie.

Her mother wasn't impressed when she found out what we were watching. It wasn't too bad. The first scene was the worst with a cheating wife in bed with her lover when her husband walks into the bedroom. After that, the only thing Carrie questioned when the movie was over was "Nana, what is a boner?" A term she had heard repeated in the movie over and over. As usual when Carrie asks a question related to a touchy subject for an 8yr. old, I directed her to ask her mother. Mother's can be touchy about how certain information is presented to their children so I opt out on answering any questions related to sex and any attempts to shorten the length of Carrie's hair. Another thing that will create drama, is cutting Carrie's hair. I know better then to go there but I well remember when Carrie went there with a pair of sharp scissors! I am now grounded from taking Carrie to a movie. I'm am not to be trusted as this is the second R rated movie we have been to. If memory serves me right, Ted and I went to his first R rated movie. We decided we wouldn't mention this to his mom. I don't condone sneaking but if one doesn't inquire, I might not offer the information in detail.

I'm off here to watch some television. The husband is in Odessa on a long job. I've contemplated leaving on a trip to N.C. to see my sister but I haven't made it to the end of the driveway yet. I dread all those road miles and the husband doesn't want me to drive. I hate to fly and the train is a three day trip.

This is done..I'm done!

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