
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Congratulations Teddy!

These pictures are two of the happiest times in April's life. She is so supportive of her children!
Here it is...almost 19 yrs to the date that I exited college with my degree in hand. I was totally burnt out and sick of the stress of school. I still had to sit for state boards but at least I was out of the class room and away from the tests that would determine each semester if I would proceed to the next semester. I needed a break and a short one it would be until time to sit for the board tests.

The year of my graduation and in the Month of May this  my grandson was born. Just a few weeks after I graduated from college, Ted made his appearance. 4 months after graduation Ted would accompany his older sister and his parents on their migration from Norfolk, Va. to Lafayette Louisiana where he would grow to his current age of 19 yrs.

Yesterday afternoon I watched as Ted (whom we previously called "Teddy") marched into the Cajun Dome and took a seat for his commencement ceremonies. Soon enough he stood and filed toward the stage clad in his blue robe, mortar board, stole and tassel to hear his name called as the principal of the school shook his hand, handed him his diploma and then both turned to smile into the camera as a bright flash exploed. Clutching his diploma he continued his walk back to his seat with his peers.

His mother sat beside me, tears collecting in her eyes. She was so proud of her son as I was of this grandson. Carrie sat between April and I with her own tears for her beloved brother. He has made it through his first session of schooling. Sadly, many of his friends didn't.

I'm astounded at the number of young people that don't reach this milestone in their lives. It's not a question of money as it was in our parents time. Even when I graduated from school, some of the young men at that time would quit school to take a job to ease to ease family burdens. A high school diploma may not be much in the way of acquiring a good paying job but it does show any propective employers that this person stuck with it.

Ted is planning on starting college this fall. Though he doesn't know what he would like to concentrate hi studies on, he has the first two years to decide while he takes  his core classes. I'm hoping he decides on a math major as math is his strong suit and a much in demand field for employment. I'm hoping that May 2016 will have us back in an auditorium celebrating another graduation with him.

Congratulations Teddy. We love you and we are so proud of you!
Signed: your family.

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