
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Covid Report, Day 18

Gradually Fidel’s strength is returning. Must be all those trips to get his own water and whatever else he use to request of me. I wasn’t being mean but it was the only way to get him up  and moving. 

His appetite is getting better though he has lost 24 lbs. during this illness.  He walked out to the little house today and made some phone calls. He still needs rest periods during the day but I expect that.

Tuesday he went for his vaccination. He asked the pharmacist “You aren’t going to hurt me are you?” She said “Not much”. LOLOL. I think me must be really afraid of getting injected, regardless of what it is for. He did say afterward in amazement “I didn’t feel a thing. Do you think she really injected me?”


Covid is all around us here. I just heard that the neighbor a few houses away is now infected. She was feeling bad all last week and thought, as I did, that it was allergies. Friday she got her injection and by Sunday was feeling worse so she got tested. POSITIVE…..She was one of the hold outs on getting vaccinated but decided she would go that Friday. Too late. She was already infected. Her husband still refuses to get vaccinated. (Sigh)

The rate of vaccination here has increased but I watched our local TV channel last night as the Army medics arrived at our hospital to assist the staff in all the patients that have been admitted.

A local city meeting was held a couple of days ago. Everyone there was told to leave as all of them were unmasked and there to protest the masking of their children in school. 


We are very close to being moved back to phase 2. Thank you Lafayette and our local congressmen for that.

I’m done here. It’s time for my nap too.

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