My online "memory bank" Originally from Ripley, West Virginia but currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Warm, Floors and Tirades
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Winter again
I'm outta here to go look at televisions. An LCD or a LED? I don't know which one I should be looking at but I would like one that lasts longer then 3 years! That's how long that massive Samsung lasted and it was supposed to be THE brand to buy. I just wish they still sold the old bulky ones. It appears that the new ones are not lasting more the 4 years unless you get really lucky.
We live in a disposable world. I grew up in a time when you made things last or fixed what broke. Today you pitch it and buy new. Too expensive to repair.
Maybe I won't go looking for a TV. I feel the mood sliding away.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday, End of the Month and Closer
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Smell My Finger
She said with the biggest grin "My butt".
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Adventures in Cuisine
Missed The Park, Too Cold
Monday, February 22, 2010
Duck Day
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Ouch, Damn It
Education for Ted
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wheelies and Wheels
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Spring Like
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
March 19th
Ash Wednesday
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bagged and Out
Monday, February 15, 2010
Clear as a Bell?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Google Searching
Mardi Gras Day 2

Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow bound, Not quite!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thursday Chill
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
You Gotta Be Kiddin
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Chick Moments
Monday, February 8, 2010
45 Years and the Wait is Over

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Who Dat say Gonna Beat Them Saints?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Yesterday and today I plugged in the GPS and went exploring. Winding down the roads, taking turns which I didn't try to remember so I could retrace my trip and return back home was no concern of mine. I had the GPS plugged in and I had the "home" set so that when I tapped that icon on the screen it would direct me back from wherever I was to my house. I've had the best time just picking out a road and driving along to discover where it would lead. I chose one road winding through cane fields that had been freshly harvested the stubs lined up row upon row, and waiting for the next planting, a few houses that had burned, their skeltons leaning into the ground and the road leading me along to discover sights that seem to have been waiting for my viewing. No rain, dry roads and lots of sunshine and I enjoyed my morning roading around with no particular place to be at no particular time. On the way back I stopped in at a little country store for some cracklins and a link of boudain. My plans were to go to a movie but that didn't happen so I may try it again tomorrow before the Super Bowl.
I'm lazy and it's enjoyable. I'm not making any excuses for my laziness. I'm not even feeling guilty about it. Happy trails to you and you and you.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Friday and That's All
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's WHAT time?
Happy Birthday Sis!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A B C =See dog run.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Read to Me Baby
I could be in over my head. I watched these two videos (see below) and then we entered into something called "blends" and at that point I wanted to wave a white flag of surrender. To start with, I was never taught by using phonics. We didn't sound out words and I still don't read by sounding out words. Maybe I should be taking a reading class instead of trying to share my "old" knowledge of reading to this little one. I might cause more harm and make it more difficult on her when she enters school. I talked to daughter this morning about having her go to Head Start this coming year. We have agreed on that and now for the tonsil thing. I know one has nothing to do with the other but I want to have her tonsils out this summer along with her brother. They can share this experience together. What are siblings for but to support each other and moan and groan and share cold ice cream together. It will be a good bonding experience and sure to rack up some memories of their childhood. That 12 yr. age difference between them can be ignored when you are sharing a tonsillectomy together.
I've always believed that if you could read well you could do anything. Accomplish anything and be anything. It helps to be good in math too but we shall leave that alone for now. Reading is what I am focused on and I tend to be a bit obsessive and focused narrowly on what I'm interested in and that would be reading. Who knows. Tomorrow I might be more interested in her skills in finger painting. Ah, finger painting the alphabet? I need to back off. One thing at a time.
I think what inspired this was Carrie in her tub last night and her mentioning to me how she was "concentrating". When I asked her if she knew what that word meant, she nodded and I prodded her for the answer. She said "it means focused". Good enough. She's only 4yrs and her vocabulary is advanced or at least it seems so to me. I think she needs to be around other children her age and Head Start would provide her with time with children her own age instead of all the adults she hangs with now.
Maybe I can volunteer to be a classroom helper? The downside to this Head Start class for her is loosing control of what she learns and how she learns. It's at times like these that I wish we lived in a more liberal state. I'll survive. She can pledge allegiance and pray a prayer but I'll draw the line at denying evolution. How can you include "being a scientist" and deny evolution? I would prefer the prayer be kept at home and the sex education taught in school but that goes directly opposite to the beliefs here. Have I mentioned I don't live in a liberal state? I'm keeping a low profile and surviving.
and this wonderful site for learning phonics!
You haven't read my post prior to this one? Oh man! I'll bet you are confused huh? Well, scroll down....and you will understand this "P.S"