The sun blazes across the windshield as I nose my car out of the carport. Cloudless skies wrap the horizon. I had a few errands to do and the weather was accommodating. Today is a t shirt and shorts day; winter is but a bare memory right now but all that could change without notice. I'll just enjoy what is shared today.
I stopped by Ms. Pat's house. You remember her? Formerly know as "Pat at the Corner", she is the genteel silver haired fox that is my neighbor 1 block removed. Pat has the flu and is feeling crappy, her washing machine just broke and she is fustrated as she answers the door to let me in with a warning on her health status. I tell her to not breath on me and then move to her washing machine to see if we can figure out what went wrong with it before she makes a call to the repairman.
I move the dial on the washer to "spin" to spin all the water out of it so we can retrieve the king size mattress pad cover she has in it. I then check the dials and mention to her that the wash cycle is set to "delicates" to which she says "ah, that's why it only washes a minute or so then stops". I'm sure if she was feeling better she would have noticed this and adjusted the dial. Her machine wasn't broken and her day had improved tremendously. I said my goodbyes and was on my way.
Another movie was what I had planned for today and that's exactly what I did from noon till 2:30 today. The Lovely Bones was my selection and a movie that I was looking forward to seeing.
Ethereal might be a good description of this movie. Of the three movies I've watched in the past three days, this was third in my ranking of favorites.

Speaking of a dark theatre and I just mentioned it didn't I? Well, the theatre was dark when I entered right before the movie started. I found a place mid theatre and when the screen lit up the darkened theatre I quickly looked around the seating. I was the only person in the room. It's dark. I'm alone. I'm going to be watching a movie about serial killers and ghosts. I should have worn an incontinent brief. I have never been a fan of slice and dice movies and now I'm just crossing my fingers that this isn't a gore filled fiasco. I thought about moving to the hallway close to the exit door to watch but a few deep breaths and preparing fingers across my face to peek through and I stayed seated. I managed to stay seated and quiet through the entire film. As often as I could, I surveyed the dark room in case someone might be sneaking up on me. I survived the film and the dark room and was happy to see the end of this movie so I could walk back out into the bright afternoon light.
I'm home now and getting ready to close this post so I can drive down to daughter's house to pick up Carrie and spend the evening with her.
All in all, a nice day. I'm done.
I might wait until a weekday to continue my Marathon Movie Adventure. Interupting the continual daily watching wouldn't be canceling out it still being a MMA (Marathon Movie Adventure). For me, going to a movie once a year was of marathon proportions. I may be caught up for the next 3 years just from all the movies I've seen this week.
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