We have cool air. I have no clue where it came from and it must have sneaked in last night while I was sleeping. With a fresh cuppa brew in my hand, I swung open the front door to be met my an air conditoned outside. That's what it felt like; as though someone had left the a/c on to cool the trees and grass. 60 degrees never felt so good before and the humidity is gone.
Oh, but wait. That sound? It's the hum of the air conditioning units kicking on. The interior of the houses haven't cooled down from yesterdays' heat so the a/c units are still running. That's alright as I'm sure by the time midday rolls around it will be hot once again.
I'm ready to go on vacation; a holiday to somewhere this time of year is my favorite time to travel. It's off season so the rates are cheaper; children are back in school/college and the crowds have thinned out considerably.
Spring or fall trips are the best. Beat the heat/cold and the crowds and travel for less; what's not good about that?
And now an update on the latest person to fall victim to a metal knee. Brother Joe, Me and now Muesetta have had this surgery within the past 2years!
My sister is on day 4 post hospital stay. Her knee is swollen and painful and she moves slowly. She was having difficulty breathing so she made an appointment to be assessed by her physician. Exudate is being coughed up from that respiratory incident she had before entering the hospital and that might be part of the reason she isn't breathing well plus the fact that she is anemic and low in iron. Iron meds were ordered and a 2 D Echo was scheduled.
She will learn the real meaning of the word "slow" during the following months. Recovery is a long slow road which requries lots of patience and perservence. Good Luck and Speed to her on her journey.
Ann, I am still dreading a knee replacement especially after watching what you went through. I know it will have to come and on those days when my knee just gives out for a second I know it is inevitable, but dang...I don't want to do it.