This big boy was right beside the road but still in the swamp. He kept creeping up on the people standing on the road. I kept my distance. I could just imagine him getting his feet on solid ground and making a dash for people food. I've heard we taste like chicken.

We decided to take a ride to the swamps today with Carrie. We asked if she wanted to see the alligators and of course she was all excited about this so we changed into running shoes in case we need to make a fast get away and off we went.
Carrie rode along in the back seat until we got to the swamp then we put her on the console between the front seats so she would have a clear view. As we crept along in the truck we heard a meow, then another and then we stopped to look for the kitty. Yep, that darn kitty had crawled up into the engine compartment and luck was with the silly kitty. She wasn't ground up in the fan of the truck. We popped the hood and she was crouched by the steering column and safe but complaining loudly. I wasn't going to try to touch her. She doesn't appear to have been handled by humans and I didn't want to get striated with little claws.
She leaped from her hiding spot to the ground and immediately headed to the swamp. She dashed through the water and onto a stump and there we left her. Yes, we left her. Neither one of us wanted to try to catch her. This is not what we planned for the kitty. Although I didn't want to take her into my house, I would have fed her and let her hang out but not inside. The problem solved itself but not by any planning on our part.
I'm hoping she doesn't become alligator food; I don't know what she will do for food unless she finds mice in the swamp. I'll worry about her for a while. Poor little kitty. She should have stayed beneath the car where her milk bowl still sits!
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