I had my hair done and a pedicure. Tomorrow night a shower using anti bacterial soap and Monday morning at 6AM I'll check into the hospital. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be the first one on the surgery schedule. At this point I just want it done so I can began to recoup.
We have plans for March 17th. Downtown Alive to see Tab Benoit (ben wah)(Grammy winner 3 years ago) playing a free concert for the locals. Downtown Alive is every Friday night and is a music show held in the streets of the downtown area. See where it gets it's name? The streets are blocked off and the bar doors are propped open. Everyone wanders from place to place and out to the street to listen to the bands. Families are there dancing with their children. They start em early here.
In April we plan to go to Independence, Louisiana for the Italian Festival and May to Natchez, Mississippi to tour the cotton mansions.
I have the next few months planned. Goals to reach in walking to keep me motivated. I've never been one to be unmotivated when it comes to rehabilitation. I don't like to be immobile.
I plan on joining a health club and getting the strength back in my legs as soon as I get full flexion. Who knows? Maybe one day I can ski down a bunny slope or a blue diamond run. Ok, now I might just be dreaming on that one. We shall see.
I'm off to bed and some television viewing. One more.
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