Carrie spent the night. Lesie spent the night. Lesie went to the movies with her mom while Carrie stayed with me. Later Lesie showed back up again and I'm sure she stayed because she had the XBox hooked up in one of the bedrooms. It was just easier for her to stay then have to unhook everything to take it home.
I hope Carrie stays in bed a while longer this morning. I have some things I would like to get done without interruptions.
I received Christmas calls from family and friends yesterday. Most were calls from family that do not live close. The call that wins the award for "farthest away" goes to my niece who is in Germany.
Saddest story I heard yesterday was the one about the Santa that shot and killed 8 people in California. Apparently he was distraught because his wife of one year had left him. He went to his inlaws house who were together for Christmas and dressed in a Santa suit knocked on the door. An 8 yr. old answered the door who he shot in the face. He torched the house and so far the body count is at 8.
Every Christmas from this year forward will be a sad reminder to that family of this one year.
My mother passed away Dec. 1st and each year that date leaps out as December approaches.
I once asked my aunt if she still misses her mother. This is an elderly aunt. Her reply "I think about her every day" "I miss her every day".
A little chunk of one's life is missing. The one person you knew for sure that harbored no jealousies or ill will for you is gone. The one person that you could trust to be truly happy at any and all accomplishments you attained is gone. The one person you wanted around when you were ill is gone. The one person that could tell you stories about yourself from cradle on is gone.
I can't pick up the phone and call her to ask her about some family history. That time is gone.
For months after mom passed away, I would automatically pick up the phone and start to dial her number. Slowly I would place the phone back in it's cradle and pause for a while. Each time this happened I would have a sober time; a sad lonely lost feeling.
To all seven of us Mom would say "you guys stick together". She left her home in R.I. to marry my father and proceeded to have seven children in quick succession. There was never enough money or time for her to make visits to see her 5 siblings again. I know she missed her siblings. I know she missed her mother who died young. She lost a sister at a young age. She was one of the eldest of 7 children. The youngest sibling has no memories of her mother.(pic of Aunt Eve) Her sisters raised her. 

We never got to know my mother's family. No family trips to R.I.
Mom would tell us stories of her family. She was very proud of all of them. I email her youngest sibling. I talk to her on the phone occasionally. I can shut my eyes while talking to her and she sounds like my mother with her New England accent. It's comforting to hear her voice heavily accented. I would like to make a trip to R.I. to see her. I planned on doing just that when I was northeast this past summer but it didn't work out. Maybe soon and in weather that is not choked with snow and roads that are icy.
I have no clue how I got to this point in this blog. I didn't intend to stroll down memory lane. I had to go back up and change the title of this post. Strange where one's keyboard fingers can take them.
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