My online "memory bank" Originally from Ripley, West Virginia but currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ted, Breakfast and New Years' Eve
Busy Morning a Drifty Mind
This restaurant is owned by "Tony" and he lives here in my neighborhood. I remember when we first moved here, Tony had a little restaurant in a strip mall. Oriental food and good oriental food. As time when on and Tony's business prospered, he built a huge ornate building next to a Walmart store. Smart man. He catches all the Walmart traffic or at least a part of it. Now I know "Tony" isn't his given name. I'm sure it's something none of us could pronounce and Tony barely spoke English when we first met him. I'm sure he bastardized his name for the country he was in.
I remember shortly after 9/11 when this country had gone stark raving nuts. Accusations were flying accusing people of being anti-American. If you were of a nationality that was easily spotted as being from another country, you were beaten, verbally abused, your store was burned or you were run out of business. I was so proud of this country (said sarcastically). Tony was very nervous. He could see what was going on. He embraced this country and all he was able to accomplish here but it didn't help.
Tony is a soft spoken man; he spent years building up his business and I've had him sit at our table many times while we dined. I had never heard Tony disparage this country. He was just trying to survive in a country where he had basic knowledge of the language.
Some woman here went into his business and then went public accusing him of slandering the United States. I thought I would never know that kind of hate here. I was watching television when the story broke on the local news channel. I found emails being circulated accusing Tony of defaming the flag and spouting hate against the USA. I knew this was impossible and every email I received, I blasted back with a "reply to all" on their stupidity. People were forwarding this hateful email and new ones were being built. Tony was scared. I went to see him at his restaurant. We spoke minimally about it. He was bowed. We knew with the hysteria about at that time that the least said and reported was best.
Months later after the initial big page news article on this, an apology was issued by the paper. The woman had made up this story. Of course the apology was not front page news. It was good news and that seldom sells.
People world wide condemn the country of Germany for following Hitler's rein of terror. Condemnation for the prison interment of the Japanese US citizen during WWII here. They say it couldn't happen again. They say they don't know why the people followed Hitler. I know. I saw it here. I saw the small snow ball start rolling and picking up speed. I listened and watched and was frightened. We were supposed to be frightened. Propaganda is a powerful tool. It works. I saw it in action; something I never thought I would experience. We were getting primed for an invasion. Tempers were flaring; we were staged for an invasion.
And we did.
Did I get side tracked in this post?
This started as a post on my plans for today and ended right ...................HERE.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Variety of Nothing
My brother had his procedure today and came through it with out any problems. He had a carotid endartectomy. This is considered a minor procedure but with risks. I've taken care of patients that had not had a stroke but were bound to have one because of the blockage in the carotids. The problem with this procedure is the plaque lining the carotids. If even a minuscule amount should flake off during the procedure, the patient usually strokes out. It's sad that they came into the hospital with no deficits but leave partially paralyzed. You have to explain the risks to them and they weigh this out. My brother was hesitant but agreed to the procedure. He is doing fine tonight.
It's getting late and I'm starting to wind down. My eyelids are heavy and I'm doing way too much correction on this typing so it must be time for me to slide between the sheets and recharge.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow just because it is there.
Internet censorship. Whose to say what they will censor. Bad enough the embedded reporters in Iraq during out quest to spread democracy to people that didn't request our intervention and when this was going on I would go to Iraqi newspapers to read what un in bedded reporters were saying. I may lose this option with internet censorship. I think it's just a way to eventually control peoples' access to the real news. I believe half of what I hear reported from the journalist here. You can get a different slant on things by reading news reported from other countries.
This makes me angry. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is only half reported. If you give rockets to one side and support everything they do then of course you will make enemies of the unsupported side.
I have no idea what will solve the conflicts between the Muslims and the Jews. Better minds then mine have failed to come up with a solution. I don't think the USA has been anywhere close to being fair in their approach to these two countries. Muslim are automatically called the terroists or portrayed as the aggressors. Hamas was elected democratically. Isn't that what we support?
I've had my little say. I'm done but I can't help but watch with horror as the slaughters continue.
Was it Worth It?

Monday, December 29, 2008
Just an update
I do have to curtail how much time she spends on the computer. I'm going to make it a point to get her outside on the nice days.
I called the ortho surgeon today and made an appointment to see him. I have an appointment on Jan.8th. I was surprised that I could get in that soon. I'm going to see what he has to say about my knee. I dread the thought of surgery but I don't like the limits this knee is placing on me right now. I've taken care of many of this surgeons' ortho patients. He is the best in town and he is who I want for this surgery. I had to make sure he took my insurance which he does so now we shall see how this goes.
I just spent hours on the phone with Ms. K. and we did nothing related to computer learning. She was listening to life stories, mine. The things that happened to me while I was on the road, the places and the near disasters that were my life. She said she was surprised I wasn't dead and it surprises me too. I told her my mom carried life insurance on me till I was thirty years old because she knew I wouldn't live to see thirty!
I must be paying for all that fun time now. If I hadn't rode a cycle or if I hadn't crashed while skiing, my knee wouldn't need surgery. I've broken bones in my ankle and a few ribs. All in all I think I survived it well. I know it could have been worse. I could NOT be here writing this.
I talked with Ted in Florida. He is ready to come home and I'm ready to see him. His only request was to have "breakfast" for dinner when he gets home. That we can do.
I'm going to try to take that trip to Lydia tomorrow. It's late and I need to be in bed.
The end!
A Change
Flower Search
A house down the street had lots of flowers blooming. They must have covered them when it frosted.
It's a bright clear morning. No rain in sight and my lawn is again bright green from all the rain. If it warms up again I'll be mowing it in January.
I have nothing planned for today. The munchkin will be here at 10:30 then the fun starts. I've been munchkin free all weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The house is tidy; there are no toys scattered everywhere, the floors are without sticky spots and the tv has been off most of the weekend.
I've had the computer all to myself. I haven't heard my name called every 5 minutes requesting the bathroom light be turned on, "i'm thirsty", "i can't do it!" or "i'm hungry". My weekend vacation is over.
I think I may pack her up today and go visit her grGrandparents in Lydia. Lydia is a small sugar cane and crawl fish town about 25 minutes from here. There isn't a stop light in town and only one stop sign. The two service stations have booths along the walls and serve stuffed bread, fried chicken, potato logs and fried shrimp. Everybody knows everybody and when I stop in though they don't know me they recognize Carrie from her visits there.
The post office is as big as a Goodwill drop off station. One church and many bars where the locals get together for card games each week. They just got a Dollar Store in town and everyone was ecstatic. I don't think any one's name there ends in "Smith" or "Jones". It's pure Cajun country. The locals still speak French.
Carrie's grandmother lives in a house on stilts in the swamp. She and her husband built this house around the time Carrie was born. It sits about 15 ft in the air and you can drive a tall truck beneath it on the concrete pad. They have been hit by the effects of 3 hurricanes in the short time they have been there. Water didn't enter their house but they had to use their air boat to get to town because of the Gulf surge that would come in. Salt water into the pond they have, salt water into the lawn equipment and the pumps they have and now they have the property up for sale.
Insurance didn't cover the loss of any of the peripheral stuff .
The house on stilts is beautiful. All the walls and floors are done in cypress. It has a cathedral ceiling with a short set of stairs that lead to a half loft where they have a bed for guests. The main floor has one bedroom, one bathroom and a small kitchen open to the living area. A porch with railings surrounds the entire perimeter of the house. The stairs leading up to the house are about 10ft wide and on a gradual incline. The view from anywhere in the house is awesome. It's a view of the swamp but the swamp is an interesting place. Alligators can be see in the pond. I don't think it's a real pond in the sense of the word. I think it's a "walled off section of the swamp water". Birds, vegetation, snakes and alligators and I wouldn't live out there for all the tea in china! After the last surge Carrie could't visit till they removed all the snakes from the yard! She keeps a loaded gun on the kitchen counter. It's secluded and isolated. Who knows who could sneak back there and murder you in broad daylight??? There is a one lane trail thru a tunnel of foliage and deer can be seen leaping across this lane on the drive to the house. There is a metal gate that has to be unlocked and phone calls have to be made if you intend on driving in.
It's a great place to visit. I like my house in the subdivision. It's scary enough living in any town surrounded by neighbors; I would have that gun strapped to my hip if I lived in the swamp.
The morning is flying by. If I want an uninterrupted shower, I must get it done now. Munchkin will be here in a couple of hours.
I'll take my camera and get some pictures of Carrie and the Gr.Grandparents for her album. I do a yearly album of her and it's almost time to close the 2008 album and start a new one.
I copy all her 2008 pics onto a CD and give them as gifts to the Gr.Grandparents. I make a nice CD label with her picture on it and the year printed in nice script. What else can you get people that are 75plus that they don't already have? They can put the CD in the DVD player and watch a slideshow of her thru the year. They love it!
Now that I know what I am doing today, I'm off to the shower. I have to pack all that stuff that goes along with taking a child somewhere and get my cameras ready.
I might even get some swamp shots today.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Another 5 years now I'm a movie critic. It's bad enough to have to sit still but to attempt it while faced with a movie full of trite and predictable dialogue was just too much for me.
I called my daughter; I told her I had just left the theatre. "Oh Oh" she said. "What did you go see?" I told her and she asked "Why?"
"Well" I said, "isn't that the movie you went to on Christmas afternoon?" She said it was and I wanted to know why. Because Adam Sandler was in it she says. She also said she wouldn't have recommended it to me because she knows I don't like "stupid".
****This is a review I cut and pasted here. Unfortunately I read this review AFTER I went to the movie!
A return to the cloying sweetness of Big Daddy territory for Adam Sandler. He's a hotel maintenance guy who tells stories to his niece and nephew that sort of come true. The shortage of wit and the excess of goo can be summed up in Sandler's line to these children of divorce: "I'm like the stink on your feet — I'll always be there."
Great! I wasted an 1 1/2 hrs! She also said she didn't think it was that good. She recommened the Brad Pitt movie. Personally I think the Tom Cruise movie Valkrie is more my thing. Some history stretched a bit I'm sure but realistic enough for me to believe. I do like comedies but not hokey stuff.
Daughter had me sit through the movie "Weather Man". She laughed through the whole movie while I sat there trying to see and hear the humor she was enjoying. It didn't happen.
I may check the listings here in a bit and try again. It is now pouring down the rain. That soft drizzle has been replaced by a deluge. I may cuddle up with a book instead.
Rainy Movie Day
I've made this threat before but always find something that leads me away from this goal. It might be that I'm not all that intent on going but today I'll try once again.
This sounds like a chore instead of the great fun that avid movie goers look forward to as entertainment.
I'm off. Lets see what happens.
Last night it started raining and the temps started dropping. I'm looking outside on a dreary rainy day. I can hear thunder booming in the distance and the rain is at a steady fall splashing off the concrete patio. It's not a heavy rain as it was last night but just a steady soft cold rain. I'm going to take my camera and drive around today in search of any flowers that may still be blooming. They may be all frozen from the previous frosts. I'm sure no one will be mowing their lawns as they were just a week ago when I was out in the city.
I just heard on the news about a female passenger on a cruise that can't be found on the ship and they think she went overboard. The problem is her husband didn't report her missing for hours and hours. (making note here to not take any cruise with husband).
I have a friend here, a female friend that loves to take cruises and takes sometimes 2 cruises a year and even 3 sometimes.
She has asked me many times to go with her to which I respond, "not no, but hell NO!" I have a deep and long lived fear of water. I go to the beach and do not stray pass ankle deep water. I didn't learn to swim until I was in my teens and only because a friend horsing around at the pool pushed me in. After that, I taught myself to swim and I have never won any medals at that activity. I will swim at the hotel pools but I stay out of oceans, ponds and rivers. If I can't see the bottom, I'm not going.
I did tell my cruise friend that I would go but I wasn't sure the cruise director would allow me to be wearing that bright orange life vest and towing an inflated raft all over the ship during the entire cruise. (I did see that movie Titanic!).
My husband would mention a cruise every now and again but after he worked off shore for years, he has no longer a desire to spend any time at sea.
When I hear an "overboard" story as I did this morning, my over-active imagination goes into overdrive. I almost get physically ill imagining being in that ocean with no land in sight, in water over my head, the waves, the sharks and all the other critters that live in that water. I'll stay out of their territory and they can stay out of mine. I can't even watch a movie containing ships, sharks and stranded. I bought the DVD of Titanic. I knew I would never be able to sit through it at the theatre. It took me a week to watch the Titanic movie. I don't sit still for long and I would put the movie on, watch the uneventful part and move to another room when any scene showed ocean views, then come back and catch the movie in the middle, get frightened, leave the room, come back and watch a little more of it. I watched that movie in chunks and not in order. I would restart it and after a week I had seen the whole movie. My heart rate picks up when I start remembering some of the scenes right now! can keep those cruises. I would be miserable on one.
I am happy you may like to do this. I don't envy you going at all. Bring me an island shell and Bon Voyage!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
An Advil Day
After they were gone, Ms. K. and I played "discover word processing". Yep, we did another lesson last night. After about 3 hrs. of lessons, we were both brain numb. She could pass a proficiency test now on email and Microsoft Word. One month ago she got her own computer. Until then she would occasionally send an email when she visited her daughter who does not live close to her. Her daughter would open an email for her and she would type a one liner or two. Oh my! Haven't we progressed! After she got past the fear of trashing out the computer, she explores on her own. She is learning the correct terminology and now when I ask her to type in her browser window, she knows where that is located. Doing this over the phone, she has had to learn the computer speak and Internet speak as I can't stand beside her and point things out. She feels the phone instructions are more beneficial then me actually standing beside her to point these things out.
Much like in college when the professors would not spell everything out for you. They wanted you to figure it out on your own. They said you retained it better if you had to put some reasoning along with the lesson they were teaching. Gosh, how frustrated I would be with that.
I took a nice long hot UNINTERRUPTED shower and slipped into bed. I slept with the TV on which I don't usually do.
My knee is swollen and painful. It takes a while to get it to flex and extend when I first get out of bed. This coming year might be the year to get a total knee replacement. I've known for years that it would eventually have to be done and it looks like 2009 will be the year. I injured this knee when I put a dirt bike down in a river bed after riding a hair scramble. It had to be rebuilt. Years later, while skiing the Rockies, I took a nasty tumble down a black diamond run and again it had to be rebuilt. Now there is nothing remaining in the knee to rebuild. The last two months of this year, it's been my back or my knee. My back is just an occasional, once every few years event, but this knee never gets better.
My eldest brother and sibling is in the hospital recuperating from a light stroke. He has to have a carotid endartectomy next week and at times like these, I wish I lived closer to family. My sister keeps me informed on what is going on and I called and spoke with him a few days ago. It would be nice to be there though.
I'm boring myself to tears here. Will this ever be posted or will it be a "draft" forever?
I'm off to run some errands. The one where you go to Walmart and stock up on supplies and get there and out before the rest of the population gets out of bed.
It might be an Advil day here.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Afternoon Quickie
Memory Lane

Carrie spent the night. Lesie spent the night. Lesie went to the movies with her mom while Carrie stayed with me. Later Lesie showed back up again and I'm sure she stayed because she had the XBox hooked up in one of the bedrooms. It was just easier for her to stay then have to unhook everything to take it home.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Link
She can sit down and let her fingers hit the keyboard without any struggle and in minutes she has something like this:
It's Over!
Everyone is watching TV but Carrie and she is on the office computer playing Blues Clues games while I'm in the living room on the laptop. Lesie is in a bedroom playing the X Box 360 and Ted is still in Florida. A typical family get together is in progress.
Later this afternoon April will take her family minus Carrie and go see a movie. This is a tradition with her family post Christmas. We used to ski all day and have a late meal when we lived in the northwest.
As soon as everyone disappears I plan on creeping between the sheets to start one of my new books and drift off to dreamland.
Right now all the doors are flung open to the 76 degree temperatures and the humidity of southern Louisiana. I'm already eyeing that Christmas tree and everything related and thinking about how soon I can pack it all away again for another year. I plan on stripping this living room down next week and painting the ceiling and the walls.
I'm planning already now that it's over.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Quick One
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Memory Lane Again?

Do I dare post these dorky pictures? My two female siblings are in these pictures. We won't name the guilty here. I'm going through some old albums and copying some pictures to digital so I can work on them with my photo editor. I haven't worked on any of these yet. This is not a good time of the year to try to have some computer time.
It's th 23rd of December that I am writing this but it may not be published till later; later meaning that when I get back to this.
Omg. I started this post in 2008 and today is almost a year later, NOV.6, 2009. I'm publishing this now. Nothing will be added. I just want to get this out of my "draft" section on blog spot!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Fgirue Tihs Bolg
taht tihs cuold olny be dnoe wtih the Egnilsh lnagauge.
Well? Is it true? If you know the answer to this question let me know in the comments.
I had never heard this before so you can imagine my surprise when I was out shopping for Christmas and actually found a t-shirt with this. I was so impressed I actually bought the shirt. Maybe I'm the last person to have heard about this. In that case, I will just turn the light out when I leave.
Fruitcake Craving
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I've done all my errands for today. I just bought a rib roast and along with the spiral ham in the fridge and I'm ready for Christmas meal. I don't know why I cook a turkey on Thanksgiving. I feel obligated. Everyone expects it but I think they enjoy Christmas dinner more.
One year we went to a restaurant for Thanksgiving thinking this was a great way to bypass all the stress of cooking that big meal. The food was wonderful and plentiful; turkey, dressing and all the trimmings along with a long table loaded down with desserts.
Stuffed as the turkey, we went back home and did nothing the rest of the day. Late evening we realized there were no leftovers to be had. Nada! The tradition of leftovers later in the day created a little glitch in the usual day of feasting.
Hamburgers on the George Foreman grill and some potato chips was dinner that day. Since then we have reverted back to the traditional feast.
Carrie left today to visit her gr.grandparents in Lydia. We met them halfway and handed over the squalling toddler. She was NOT happy. Between the cars during the exchange she wrapped her arms around my legs screaming "I go home with Nana".
I extracted myself and hid in my car. I sneaked a peak as they drove off and she was still crying. I called later and she was happy and playing with her cousin. I had to call so I could erase the last mental picture I had of her tear streaked face.
She will be back Tuesday evening. I always plan on getting a list of things done when she isn't here and lately I haven't even glanced at the list.
I'm sitting here listening to the wind whipping some cable around on the patio. I hope it survives. I'll care about it after my nap.
I need to run to Walmart which is almost in sight of my house and beat the Sunday rush. I don't think the store will be busy this early. I'm in Catholic country and everyone is getting ready for church. There are some pluses, well at least one, to living in an area saturated with religion.
A strange observation. Very few people are displaying Christmas lights in their yards and on their houses. Usually our street is lit up. I don't know if this has something to do with the economy or if it's just coincidental.
It's going to be daylight soon and I want to be first in the store and first out almost.
Bless me, I'm outta here.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bla Bla Blab Blab

Friday, December 19, 2008
Trees, Kids and Photoshopping
Ted had an uneventful flight thankfully. He was in Florida the last time I talked with him. Carrie went home with her Mom tonight. She tried to talk her Poppie and me into going and spending the night with her. We declined the invitation. We want to experience our house with a touch of quiet, without the chatter and without Sponge Bob on the television and with that said, she will be missed.
Teaching her to interact with the computer may not have been the best idea since I can only sneak in here when she is asleep. When awake, she is standing beside me begging to use the "compooter". It's at this time that I sneak off to turn the television to a news channel.
I need to brush up on PhotoShop skills which are at best an infant skill right now. My sister wants me to Photoshop some pictures for Christmas gifts to her family. I practiced today a bit just to figure out the procedure for cutting a person out of o

Here it is done with Carrie and new background:
Some serious blending needs to be done to smooth the picture into the background. I'll work on it tomorrow since I will be without the Carrie Girl. I am infatuated with the digital world. After all those years of SLR's and having the film developed, the digital concept has become my favorite medium. My first digital camera was nothing that inspired me to toss my Canon 35mm SLR. Finally, eight cameras later (digital) I have a camera that I can set adjustments for aperture and speed. Digitals, you have come a long way baby!
Failing that you own a good digital camera, you can fix almost anything with PhotoShop. I used to be very aware of background in scenes when shooting a subject. With PhotoShop it doesn't matter what is in the background. A little cloning and you can remove anything offensive. Movie stars have their own editing staff using PhotoShop on their pictures and many of them won't allow a picture to be released without their approval which means smoothing out the skin, removing blemishes and wrinkles etc. The downside of all this digital manipulation is you can't believe everything you see and I remember when the saying went "don't believe everything you hear".
PhotoShop is a huge and very expensive program and that's why I have the slimmed down version, PhotoShop Elements. It takes some time investment and can get very frustrating but I like discovering all the possibilities.
My immediate goal is to go to bed and get an uninterrupted 6hrs of sleep.
I'll correct all the errors on this page tomorrow!
Waiting on Angels and Atlanta
Another Foggy Morning
I've always disliked flying. I board the plane wondering if the pilot has just found out his wife has been sleeping with the postman; or that she spend all his savings at the casino, on a lover, or some frivolous something. I hope to catch a glimpse of him/her and determine if a he, is he old enough to grow a beard or is in the acne stage of his life? I tearfully say my goodbyes to my family and designate where my jewelry and life savings be distributed. I wonder why I watched a disaster movie involving airplanes and if I haven't watched one recently, I remember all the ones I've watched in the past. I inspect the plane for scorch marks, dents and loose screws. I watch the stewardess the entire flight. I want to see a calm face and watch for any signs of change. I breath a sigh of relief when we negotiate a take off and landing. I rush off the plane and try to NOT drop to Terra firma and offer a big kiss.
My knuckles resume their natural color once again and I calm down until the next time and I try not think about that expression "return flight".
I'm sitting here waiting on a phone call; did he fly or not?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Stiffing an Angel or 12

Another Little Post
Ted's plane was grounded again and we don't know when he will be able to find an open space on another flight. Everything is booked for the next few days.
Carrie finally got to sleep last night after much stalling and was up again at 5AM this morning!
I placed her at the computer with some Sesame Street learning games and I headed for the shower. It was time.
I hope to get out of the house this morning and do a little much needed shopping. That's it for this update. If any ground breaking news happens here I will be back to post.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Short One
When I woke up it was dark outside and I was disoriented. I thought we had went to bed for the night and it was early morning. I dragged myself out of bed and discovered is was 6PM. About a half hour later Carrie woke. Needless to say, it has been a long evening here. I knew she would not go back to bed for the night at 9PM, her usual bedtime. I've been entertaining her till now and right this moment she is eating her dinner of spaghetti. I intend on hustling her off to bed as soon as I scrape the sauce out of her ears. She is a messy eater.
I have her way off schedule because of the late nap. Tomorrow I promise to do better so she can go home with her mother at 6PM.
Tomorrow Ted tries the airport once again. I don't entertain high hopes for the flight leaving on time or at all. It is "froggy" as Carrie says and I don't expect it to lift till the sun reaches high sky tomorrow and burns it off. It is once again hot and humid. What happened to winter here? We will be wearing shorts on Christmas day if this keeps up.
This WAS going to be short post and maybe it still is. It is a meaningless post I'm afraid. Just an update on the day here.
I'll be back again but it might not be tomorrow or then it might be.
G'night. It's my bedtime and past.
Grounded in fog
Fogged in. Houston is fogged in. After waiting this long, the flight was canceled. Better luck tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
One Opinion?
I realize how disrespectful this was. I try to imagine myself a citizen of Iraq. I now have to look at the man that instigated this invasion on false pretenses. I have to look at this man that ran a campaign of propaganda to get the U.S. citizens to support this invasion. I have to look at the man that condoned torture of it's citizens; this man who incarcerated insurgents (read citizens) for years without benefit of council; this man who made sure Gitmo was outside the legal requirements of the constitution.
I have to look at this man that may be the reason I've lost family members; infrastructure is destroyed, hospitals unable to care for their sick or wounded, and children afraid to go to school or not allowed out of doors without fear of them being shot.
It may have been disrespectful but did he earn any respect from these people?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Travel and Surviving It

This picture was taken while on a trip to Florida; a "winter escape from the cold north" trip. This is a friend and her daughter. I spiffed up the picture a bit. Old and faded, I Photo Shopped it

We were headed for Daytona Beach for some sun and fun.
I think we were in Daytona for two weeks. It's been a while and lots of years ago and I may be a bit off on the length of the stay.
There are many things about that trip I do remember. The parties we were invited to and the clubs we hung out in and the days on the beach I remember. Late nights followed by late mornings were our schedule.
The Pier, a bar that was built on the end of a pier that ran way out into the ocean is where we partied. I remember my friend parking her new Caddy convertible on the beach and we headed for the long walk down the pier to that bar.
I remember coming out hours later and the Caddy had disappeared. The beach had disappeared. It had disappeared into the ocean. High tide! Being inlanders, high tide was not something we thought much about. I think this might have been my last trip to Florida with this friend. I'm sure she made more trips. I wasn't on them with her. I'm sure this one trip was the most memorable for both of us though. We got home, the caddy didn't.
It was a year later I left the eastern part of the United States for the western USA. Exploring the states west of the Mississippi for the next years were adventure filled. I remember when I first saw the prairie, I was expecting Indians in full war paint to come riding bareback in a cloud of dust. I could almost see the covered wagons and I have to say I felt lots of sympathy for anyone crossing without air conditioning, soft tires and motel stops!
I had never seen so much land with so few people. I had never seen cowboy hats and cowboy boots as normal dress either. I thought they were dressed up for a parade and actually asked a waitress in a cafe if there was a parade in town. She answered "no, why do you ask?". I didn't mean to make her angry. I was serious when I said "why are they wearing cowboy hats and boots?" Thereafter I did more watching then asking questions.
I crossed Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa wondering where the corn stopped and the towns began, where the next gas station was or even a house or humans.
Seeing the Rocky Mountains for the first time was akin to my seeing the ocean for the first time. I was stunned. Huge and impressive. I went sledding in July on a cooler lid on the snow that was still high up in the mountains. I got to watch the Basque shepherds with their flocks of sheep in the high country for the summers. The shepherd's horse was hobbled; he lived in a two wheel 15ft homemade looking trailer and he stayed up there till the winter temperatures dropped and the grazing disappeared. Party time when they finally got back to town. Six months of pay saved and no human interaction; they were ready to rock and roll.
I was in a little town in Colorado during the oil boom period. A man walked into the supper club where I was dining with my boss and his famiy. The man was wearing a duster. The long duster concealed the gun. He walked up to the bar, laid the gun on the bar and removed the waitress's head with one shot. A sawed off shotgun does much damage especially close range. When he swung the gun back off the bar, I was sitting about 5 feet away with my group of people. To this day, I only remember the barrels of that gun. I have no recoll

I had my hand around a mixed drink that the waitress had just served. The ice hadn't melted off the glass yet. I remember this because she was gone before the ice. (picture of duster------>
not the shooter)
My daughter was playing the juke box with quarters donated from the patrons. As soon as I realized what was happening I raced toward her, picked her up and headed for the double doors in the back. My next recollection is when I burst through those doors and saw some fellows sitting around a table peeling potatoes. I shoved her towards them and yelled "watch her for me".
Clearly, I wasn't thinking clearly because I headed back to my group in the front. I can describe the back bar in one word...grisly.
The gunman had left. He just walked out into the night and was gone. The police came and sealed off the bar and questioned everyone for hours. The bar was shut down for 3 days for the investigation and cleaning. When I transferred to Texas a few weeks later, I was contacted by the prosecutor. He wanted my testimony. I told him the only thing I can remember seeing was the end of that gun!
During those years I stayed on the road with stops of six months to a year in different states. From Portland to Providence and back across the U.S. more then once. I took pictures, met lots of people and had some great experiences and some not so great experiences (see above).
The west was definitely different then the east. The east of the Mississippi where I was raised.
Ah travel! An education without a classroom.