My online "memory bank" Originally from Ripley, West Virginia but currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana
Monday, November 30, 2009
Carrie And Santa
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree
Manipulation/Parkersburg WV Medical Care
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Boo to You
*)))&&^)_++++&! The *())&&+...L((( thing wouldn't paste it to this blog.
I want to thank who suggested I do it in Microsoft. You know who you are. I'm closing this now so you can take this as my closing sentence and now I'm going to my email where I copied and pasted that blog done in Microsoft to see if it will paste from there to here!
Friday, November 27, 2009
I Should Be in Bed
My legs are stretched out in front of me with my ankles crossed and feet resting on the coffee table. The laptop is balanced on my lap and bobbling around as I hit the keys on the keyboard. I'm a typist that has fingers that skim the keyboard quickly and sightlessly as I pound out my bit of daily history. I'm going to drag my blanket over me and find an old movie on the tube to fall asleep with while listening to the furnace click on and belch forth warmth. Yes, finally we have cool weather and for this I'm grateful.
Bright and Early
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This is Not Funny
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Almost There, The Finish Line is in Sight
Spiral Honey Ham
Dirty Rice (gizzards and livers and hamburger meat)
Broccoli, cheese and Sausage Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Mashed potatoes
Sweet Potato Puff
Corn Bread Dressing
Tossed Salad
Hot rolls
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pie with whipped creme
Assorted Soft Drinks
I'm hoping the vegetarian likes sweet potatoes, green beans, cornbread dressing, salad and dessert. I don't feel like adding another thing to this menu and I'm wondering if I have forgotten something on that list.
Hot Rolls and Happiness
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Prepping the Day
Today I played 'hunter/gatherer and tomorrow I will do some prep work before the bird day.
This blog is short. It ends right here. Did I mention how tired I am?
Holidays and Gas Wells
My gathering will be small and for this I'm thankful. Peg, my friend is expecting the whole clan to show up and a clan it is. I was invited to spend the day with her but I declined. Some of the people attending are the very same ones that were sailing the high seas with her and since she didn't do them in then, Thursday might present her with another opportunity. Carving knives strewn around and other kitchen weaponry might be the undoing of a family member; I'm gonna sit this one out safely at home.
"The well took a kick" these words said by the husband two days ago. "It flared 15 ft sometime last week" and then "two days ago it came in on them". He is babysitting his tools that are in the hole while they pump higher viscosity mud around those tools to the bottom of the hole to hopefully seal off the fracture that is letting the gas roil up through the tools. Husband has to stay with his tools and since they can't pull them out of the hole, he can't leave. "Easy money" he says and I said "Safe money?" No answer to that one from him. I was to meet him in Natichoches, La. yesterday but plans changed and he had to stay with the well. Today he planned on going to another job but that changed too.
I would have been back sometime today to get things started for TG. It looks as though he won't make it in unless they can kill that well.
I'm off to get "stuff" and "stuffing" and then a break before I have a close encounter with the stove. Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Car Seats and High Chairs
Peg Called
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Gumbo, and Once Again
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sharing a Dozer
"Hi Sis, whaachodoin?" Although I'm not asleep yet, the brain has already slid into a lower gear and the ignition switch is close to being spun backward. "Hey, just watchin the tube" I say.
In the next few minutes we both decided to take our Ambien and I start watching the clock while having the phone to my ear and listening to the tell tale sounds of sister fading into the dark corners of sleep. After a few minutes, she doesn't respond to anything I am saying so I question "you still there?" She answers with one word and that word is soft, low and slow. I glance over to the clock and note that 20 minutes have passed and our Ambien has started tickling the feather edges of our consciousness.
"Sis", I say, "the Ambien has kicked in." "Nah, she mumbles, "I don't feel a thing".
Our conversation now turns to me trying to convince her that her Ambien is now totally effective. She mumbles and slurs her words and rejects my observation. I tell her to hang up the phone. "Hang up the phone, sis." I say this a few more times, I tell her I"m hanging up now.
I never get a ''yes" but I try a few more times to get her to hang up her phone and then I quietly stand my phone back in it's cradle and roll over and dive bomb right into unconsciousness. That Ambien works quickly and silently.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Scents of This Child
Her radar sensor that knows when I sneak out of bed might be doing some down time. I'm still watching for her. She arrives silently and quickly at my elbow and accuses me of slipping off.
"Who me? No, I had to go to the bathroom", I say as we move hand in hand back to bed. I'm waiting.
I found the most wonderfully aromatic liquid soap/bubble bath stuff that I am mixing with her shampoo and her hair smells awesome. I lay beside her and the smell of cherry blossoms wafts around her hair and trails into my nostrils; the baby lotion I massage into her arms and legs after her bath leaves it's own fragrance and she is a collage of good smells.
Now I'm wondering just why I sneaked out of bed and away from her.
I'm heading back that way now. Maybe I'll lay beside her and enjoy the air around her and quietly watch something on TV before I drift off to sleep.

Carrie wanted to play with Photo Shop; one of her fav things to do here and we order up a picture for her to practice her artist's nature. (see below)

Maybe this is why she is afraid to walk through my house alone?
I haven't heard anything new on the rig explosion in Texas and when the husband called last night, he didn't have any more information. Safety meetings are held twice a day, morning and afternoon, on every rig in that field. All are subject to what happened yesterday and they must be on their toes and alert to everything going on and ready to move out quickly.
Husband has been evacuated from an offshore platform when the well came in on them. Floating in a capsule in the ocean and waiting on someone to rescue them was not his usual day; he didn't like working offshore.

I'm sleepy, groggy and just not alert enough to be in here so I think I'll leave for a while to either wake up or go opposite. My heel feels like a chunk of ice; it's buried in that ice pack Zip Lock gallon bag which works better then the gel ice pack I bought at the drug store. Old ways are sometimes still the better way.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Litter
Ted, the Grandson Prince, was in the office on his X Box sharing a game with another player states away and communicating with him through a headset and mike situated between his ears looped over his head. Ah, a typical 21st century evening.
When I was a youth at home, I played Pick Up Sticks, Old Maid, Rummy and I could actually look at the sibling who as I, was involved in this game.
Sometimes I wonder how wonderful all this technology is. I can't imagine not having online access. You can keep the cable TV but don't take away my internet access.
At 9:30 as previously agreed and with threats of limited play time, Ted shut down his game after adiosing his friend and went to his room for a few minutes of TV before sleep. I sneaked in later and turned off his television and threw the clothes into the dryer; waited for them to dry so Prince Ted would have his school uniform fresh and ready to wear in the morning. All that done, I checked the doors and headed to bed at 11:00. Now this is where the story gets nasty. At 2:30 I'm still awake. I've already made multiple trips from the bedroom to the living room to the office and back to bed and I'm still wide awake. I didn't want to take my Ambien this late at night because I wanted to get up early to fix The Prince some scrambled eggs and bacon and tell him goodbye for the day. He just shook his head and said "I get up alone and leave for school everyday." "I don't care", I answered. I want to see you off. What IF something happened and I didn't tell you goodbye." He gave me one of those "yeah right" looks but he knew it was best to not say anything.
I was up and standing at the stove 3 hrs after finally falling asleep. Seeing Ted off after his breakfast, I loaded up the ice pack and climbed back in bed with my headache to try for a few hours more of sleep.
The phone rings and with the ringer turned off in the bedroom, I barely heard it. Snapping up the phone, I glanced to the screen to see the husband calling. Strange that he would call at this time as he is "on tower" in the day and usually calls after 7PM.
"I just wanted you to know that if you see the news report about someone getting killed on the rig in this town, that it wasn't me. A rig down the road took a "kick" and exploded killing one and injuring others."
He didn't know how many others nor to what degree the injuries were. They were closing the highway and evacuating the residents but he was alright and his rig was running. He did tell the rig hands that when he brought his tools out of the hole, he wanted the rig floor cleared of all workers until he pulled the ball from the barrel to let the gas leak off.
I got out of bed and Windexed the coffee table and end tables, breaded some pork chops and started them frying and gave up on the idea of sleep.
They are drilling through millions of "some measurement", I think he said units, and there had been 3 deaths in the past 6 months in this field. So, since sleep was now out of the question and housework was waiting on me, I gave up on the nap thing.
Some good news I do have. The swelling is down and the pain is temporally gone in the Achilles tendon. Ice and maybe the salve have done their job. I'm trying to limit my walking time to give the tendon time to heal. If I stop the icing, all this progress will reverse so I can't falsely believe I'm healed yet.
Some news that is not so great. Sis had to go into the surgical suite to have general anesthesia and have her knee manipulated. I'll talk to her later to see how she feels.
That's all the non news, boring, unimportant litter I have for today. Now why did I have so much typing to do?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Gangsta Carrie and The Christmas Dress

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Me and My Ankle
The verdict? An inflamed Achilles tendon. Alright, you might say, you already knew this and you would be right. Today an X Ray was taken and an explanation was offered. I have a bone spur behind that Achilles tendon and he said anyone over 40 yrs of age will show a bone spur on X Ray. He said I probably have had this for the past 20 years. "It didn't happen overnight", his words exactly. My problem is, I seen to have inflamed the tendon over it. I could have done this by doing all the stretches necessary to rehab this knee. Lovely! The stretches had to be done; I'll have to deal with the tendon now. A salve was prescribed and ice packs when I wasn't up on my feet and that business of being on my feet should be kept to a minimum. Open backed shoes with an elevated heel to stop the stretch of the tendon. NO EXERCISES. The tendon needs to rest to heal. I'm thinking those exercises my ortho doctor told me to do were not helping it but hindering it.
He said surgery was a last resort; removing the bone spur would entail detaching the tendon, cutting out the spur then reattaching the tendon and the recoup time would be two months on crutches. I'll take the other choice Doc. Ice and salves sound like a deal to me. I'm outta here to put some crushed ice in a zip loc and plant my foot deep inside.
Happy trials to you....
Break the Chain
Then the school child doing an experiment and clocking how many people, states, countries or basements this email will pass through and recording it for that grade of an A in his experiment.
Forget it kid. If it depends on me passing it along, you will be sitting through that class again next year. Slap that baby on the back until it spits out that 3 carat diamond and we will all go to dinner on it. Lately it has been military related pleas. The poor soldier, the flag and on and on.
Tomorrow an Answer Maybe
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Once Upon a Time
This story is about Charlotte Ann and Charlotte and Ann. Resurfacing from a marriage that lasted a little longer then it took the ink to dry on the certificate that certified we had done the deed, I attempted to re enter the work force through the job I had been doing before doing the marriage deed.
A nepotism policy was in place and I would have been denied employment had I applied for this job using my "Charlotte..........." name. A supervisor who worked there when I was previously employed, suggested I use an alias and that is exactly what I did. Anna Marie .......... was my new moniker.
Introduced as Ann to everyone I met after that and leaving the "Charlotte" name behind, I was able to secure a job and work there for years. I was working in the western states when this happened and everyone I met out west calls me "Ann"; when I pick up the phone and some one addresses me by "Charlotte", I know immediately whoever is calling is from the eastern part of the USA and an old friend or relative. It makes for a bit of confusion with old family/friends and western friends when their paths cross. Some of them are calling me "Charlotte" while the others are calling me "Ann". I just answer to both and have no problems with it. My mom hated it and I think my siblings think it's mighty odd to hear me being called "Ann".
This is just a clarification for friends that are confused by this; an explanation of sorts as to why they keep hearing a name they are not used to attaching to my face. There, it's done. All finished and the explanation will be logged here for future reference by anyone that might someday wonder why the two names.
Here's hoping I can remember one or the other and answer when called.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Enough Already
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Now That I've Started
Today it's the laundry room to do a total refresh job on. I'm not painting anything until I get rid of unwanted and unused collected "stuff". I'm doing spring cleaning in the winter and this is the time I should be outdoors enjoying the nice weather we call "winter" here.
What was I doing in here during those sweltering, hot and humid, sweat induced days?
I think I was waiting for my ankle to become normal and since that hasn't happened, I might as well suck it up and get moving.
As soon as I rid this house of all the "stuff" , I'll start on the Little House. I wish I had a dumpster parked outside. I'm a happy pitcher of unused items. My sister saves everything in the event that it can be used someday. She can't find it when that "someday" arrives. Not me. It's cheaper and easier to just go buy it when you need it instead of burying it in mounds of clothes, shoes and supplies that makes me feel as though I'm smothering.
The older I get the more I like the "clean sparse" look.
I'm outta here to get more sparse.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pat On The Corner

Rested and Ready
Monday, November 9, 2009
um, Now What Was I...............
I'm busy. This is the time I get the crafty little things done for Carrie's great grandparents. It started out as a simple idea but even those simple ideas take up time. Carrie painted the wooden ornaments and her high chair. After she had finished her creations, we had to scrub the acrylic paint off her and her high chair tray.

I left them to dry and came back later and selected a picture of her which had to be reduced in size to fit into the circular opening in the ornament for the picture. Of course the printer had to start rebelling and had to be tweaked, then I did a script in red ink proclaiming "Merry Christmas" 2009.
I decoupaged that onto the wooden ornament and put them away till Christmas. It took much less time to type this then to actually do the "simple" little project.
I put all this stuff on top of the bed in the spare spare bedroom. That would be spare bedroom #2. I'll wrap them with Carrie right before we deliver them so she can hand them to the gr. grandparents. I can see her beaming now!
Now that I have that out of the way, I'm going to dump everything out of this office and make it my goal this week to clean, paint and decorate this little hole in the house. I'll be moving a bookcase to the Little House along with all the "stuff" that is in it. I've put this off long enough. If I disappear for a while, I can be found in this room toiling.
Until then...........
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Oh Jennifer, By the Way
Geeky Me
Friday, November 6, 2009
Row 3, Row 3, Row 3
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Just Yesterday
One hour later and I'm on the phone to my daughter explaining to her my dilemma. By this time I had placed a call to 911 and reported it stolen. Harold tried to dissuade me from calling but I assured him the car had been stolen. Harold smiled and nodded.