My online "memory bank" Originally from Ripley, West Virginia but currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dusk, Not Quite Dark Yet
Friday, October 30, 2009
Fall, Falling and Passing Through
Humid and around 80 degrees, I slid into my car and headed for the store to pick up a few things. I flipped on the a/c and drove the short distance to the store, picked up, paid for and loaded my groceries into the car and headed home.
A couple of hours later I could hear the rain and I opened the door to watch and was met by 57 degree temperatures. I'm standing there in a pair of shorts, t shirt and bare feet while the winds whipped that 57 degree temperature through the house. Refreshing it was and much better then the hot humid smothering air of just a few hours ago. The humidity was blown away along with the rain that swept quickly through leaving the cold air behind.
Fall has arrived!
One other note here. In a few more days, it will be 8 whole months since I had the TKR and had my last cigarette! I have managed to not murder anyone nor have I made anyone miserable from the withdrawals and not smoking. There are other reasons I may have made them miserable but my "not smoking" was not an issue.
I'm amazed that as time goes by I think about smoking less and less and I can go for days now without having a craving. I never take my "quit" for granted. One toke and I would be back to where I was 8 months ago and I know it.
Here's to all the money I've saved and my healing lungs!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Passport to ????
500? You're kidding!
Look Closely
CBS news did a special report on diets and made a visit to the diet center where sis works. In this video at about 1:14 on the tape counter for this video, the camera pans around the reception area and to the reception desk where my sister (whom I love with all my heart) is sitting and grinning like the Cheshire cat! *at this point I hit the "pause" and get to look at her for a while.
I love you SIS!
(see below video)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What to do? What to do?
Oh damn.
I have some options; of course I do! I'm talking about my picture overload on my Google Albums. I could pay for more storage, I could move some albums to my external hard drive or I could upload and send pictures from Flickr over to this blog space. The problem with the last option is that I've been able to move only one picture to a blog; if I want another picture moved then I have to start another blog. That last option, shall we say, sucks!
Another option: or a link to a "set"?
I'll have to make a decison soon or just forget posting pictures here. I don't think that will be acceptable.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lake Martin
This is another swamp picture moved here courtesy of Flickr...
Can't more then one picture be sent to the same blog? What's up with that????
I'll have to check this out a little more because this is surely a pain to do it this way!
Swamp Ride
I drove through the swamp yesterday and this is our fall here in Louisiana. Lots of yellow flowers were in bloom in the marshy water; I didn't hang around long to look for alligators. A large black shiny turtle was sunning itself on one of the trees that was broken and laying across the green algae water. I was on a trip so I just drove on till I was off the gravel road that takes you through this shortcut to my friend's house.
I didn't return till after dark and when I drive this gravel road through the swamp after dark my imagination runs wild! "What ifs" start running through my brain. "What if" the car broke down. Cell phone service is iffy at best while crossing through this swampy area. "What if" I had to get out of my car on this road after dark. I've never seen another vehicle on this road after dark. Houses are scarce. Hunting camps can be seen on the side opposite the swamp but they are buried way back in the woods barely seen from the road.
I hurriedly drive through on this road and ignore the posted speed limit. 25 miles per hour? Hell no! Somebody could chase me on foot and catch me at that speed. I envision a big ol 'gator lying across the road and my car hitting that solid mass of muscle and hide and raking the whole undercarriage out of the bottom of my car and then not even fazing the 'gator. Ah, but the scary things I can imagine!
I breathe a big ole sigh of relief as I exit the gravel road onto the pavement for the remainder of the trip to my house. Although the swamp can be a beautiful place, the snakes, gators, turtles and nutria rats swarm my imagination into one giant horror show after dark.
I'm off to pick up some more wreath decorations. Carrie will be busy this coming weekend doing some wreath crafting. Idle hands and all that ya know........
You have heard that saying? "Idle hands are the devils workshop". Isn't that how that goes? I never get those sayings right. My mom would always says "sticks and pins" instead of "needles and pins". She never quite got em right either so it must be a genetic thing. I think its' called "not listening.
Oh. One other thing. I've used all my Google Album space up. I had to go to Flicker and post my swamp pics and send them from there! Maybe it's time to remove some pictures from my Google Albums and relocate them onto my external hard drive storage thingie! (Thingie" one of my sister's techinal terms!) lol.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Paige
I was the designated camera person; my assignment was to get some good photos of the birthday girl for relatives to receive in the mail.

And when I did the picture of Shannon (below) and emailed it to Peg to give to her, I made sure I told Peg to tell her "she isn't THAT pretty. Photo shop works wonders! The first one is the"before Photo Shop"

Saturday, October 24, 2009
I Want

I suppose by now you have recognized to what I am alluding too?
I, the white knuckle flier, was actually nauseated when I watched the news report of the pilots that missed the whole damn stop in Minnesota. I realize that 150 miles out of ones way was a mere few minutes when you are flying at 500 miles per hour. I know they didn't respond to any radio interactions for 1 1/2 hrs and during that time, they missed their stop. I'm supposed to believe they were having a little tiff amongst themselves? Ok, just stamp "stupid" on my forehead and let me move along!
I just don't know how I will be able to talk myself into climbing those stairs or skipping down that gangway onto another flight. Should I carry a couple of walkie talkies and hand one of them to the pilot with a warning that I will be calling and I will expect him/her to answer? Should I be allowed to ask the stewardess to knock on the door to the cockpit every half hour and wait for a response from the steady Eddies' manning this ship? Who cares about terrorists. I want the door to the cockpit left OPEN so I can keep an eye on those fellows.
Final, I Think
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wreath Update
Pardon my Stupidity
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Family Fun!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Little House Cleaning in "The Little House"
The above pictures are from left to right around the room and yes, these are the "after" shots.
The husband said proudly "Look! See how nice the patio looks? Why can't you keep it that way?" He really didn't expect an answer to that question. And later in his part of the "Little House" he proudly displayed how neatly he had it arranged; all the tools hung on the walls, the work bench he had built against the far wall was tidy.
I opened the door to my side of the "Little House" and was met by all the stuff he had taken off the patio and out of his side of the "Little House". It was shoved just inside the door and was helter skelter; in one word, a mess!I was waiting for cooler weather before I tackled that mess and today the temperatures were moderate so I decided to at least get started. I stood just inside the door and hesitated. I didn't know where to start.
After a couple of hours, I had sorted and moved and stacked and pitched and finally I had an entrance into the "Little House". The floor could be identified; it was organized. I swept the floor and closed the door. I debated on locking it to deter any further depositing of "stuff". It was a chore that waited for cooler weather and it's done and for that, I'm grateful!
I'm taking a break the remainder of the day. There is no sense in over doing it. One thing accomplished so I owe it to myself to laze around and that is what I will be doing!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ducks, Ponds and Parks
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Fall Sunday
I can still hear the a/c unit humming away and the outside temperatures are in the low 60's. The sun heats up the house so I'm sure it's hotter inside then out causing the a/c unit to bear the burden. I'm waiting on a video to finish uploading so I can add it to this post. That's how my family up north keeps up with Carrie's growth. They get to see her online.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday and That's About It
I stood with my lip dragging the floor; I asked very intelligently "huh?"
Needless to say, I'll be calling my doctor on Monday and requesting the plain Ambien. Holy Moley.....first the Celebrex that was 120.00 and did nothing more then the Advil I switched to and now the Ambien CR.
I have no trouble at all falling asleep. My problem comes with staying asleep. I wake every hour, check the clock then try to go back to sleep. Lately I started taking Tylenol PM and that seems to help a lot. I started taking the Tylenol PM until my doctor could call me in a script for the Ambien. Little did I know that the CR was so much more expensive then the plain.
I'm tellin you..this is out of control. Meds, insurance premiums and the cost of daily living. I didn't realize how many people were buying "catastrophic" insurance. I didn't even realize there was such a thing until I ended up with it. I'm not knocking it; it saves one from gigantic hospital bills should you have to be hospitalized.
I'm thankful we can afford that. I know there are a lot of people out there that have nothing at all.
Carrie is spending the night again; she got a bath a 3PM just in case I wasn't in the mood to do it later. She is "bed ready" AND her bed is ready. Tonight will be a early bed date for us.
Sonny Landreth and Dave Ranson, The Goners
Friday, October 16, 2009
October 16th, Friday, Downtown Alive and Cool!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Carrie Today
I'm tellin ya....this is September weather and that's what I'm blaming for the wrong date I put on this video. This was taken today. ....OCTOBER 15th..not Sept 15th!
and souped up Barbie Jeep
Poor Carrie. She loves being outside and at 3:30 I enticed her inside and into the shower. She just looked grimy with her hair sweat soaked and straggly; her clothes limp and she just needed an overall freshening up. I asked her if she would feel better with a shower? She looked as though I had lost my mind. I reassured her that a shower is just what she needed. I finally had to drag her to the shower but I'm sure I know what's best for her contrary to what she may believe. Once the cool water was raining down upon her, she didn't resist any longer. We quickly showered and shampooed her hair and dressed in fresh shorts and shirt. I lotioned her with baby lotion, mainly because I love the smell of it, and soon her mother arrived to pick her up and take her home.
Tomorrow night Sonny Landreth will be playing at Downtown Alive and we will be leaving here early to find a good place to park our chairs and watch his concert. He doesn't often play for free; tomorrow evening he will.
I'm ready to head for my second shower of the day. I hear there is a cold front promised us soon and I'm keeping an eye out for that. Until then it will be multiple showers everyday and shorts and cold drinks.