Again I'

m experimenting with what Photoshop Elements can do.
The best instructions I have received are the online video tutorials found on You Tube and Google Videos. I watch and then I practice. The baby just awoke so my play time for today is over. I have to have uninterupted
time to play with my pics so I put it away when she is up and about. Thankfully the temps here are starting to cool down a bit. I still have limbs and tree debris stacked in front of my house at the curb awaiting the cleanup crews to come by and haul it all away. I spoke with a friend who had family in Galveston. They lost their house and almost lost their lives. The damage is immense there and the odor of rotten bodies clouds the city. The friend said the news isn't reporting the dead bodies found in the city as they did with Katrina but he said it was just as bad there as Katrina was to New Orleans.
Thankfully hurricane season will soon be past and we can all relax here on the Gulf Coast.